Chapter 10 – Policymakers are tasked with making decisions on issues characterized as wicked problems because of controversies, unknown relationships between causes and consequences, and uncertain futures.

From this perspective, Moody and Gerrits (2015) think that it’s desired to get decisions mapped ahead of the possible outcomes prior to the actual decision-making because that would generate certainty in ambiguous situations. Looking closely at the Technological perceptions, technology is thought to revolve around humans. It reflects on questions of who drives technology.

Q1: Please identify and name a few of those questions discussed in this debate and provide a brief explanation around your thoughts?

  • identify and name five (5) of the few questions discussed in the debate
  • provide a short and clear narrative for each question identified to support your responses,
  • *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Chapter 10 Policymakers are tasked with making decisions on issues characterized as wicked problems because of controversies, unknown relationships between causes and consequences, and (consequently) uncertain futures. From this perspective, it would be desirable to map the decisions and their possible outcomes prior to the actual decision making because that would generate certainty in ambiguous situations. Broadly speaking, this provides the motive for using computational modeling for policymaking as expressed in, e.g., policy informatics.

Q2: From this revelation, why is it more common to work with models “modded off-the-shelf” (MOTS) or even tailor-made models to suit specific questions and conditions?

  • identify and name the reason for why it’s more common to work with MOTS as indicated above?
  • provide a short and clear narrative to support your responses,
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