
I need help with 2 peer review. The instructions are below on how to complete it.

. To make a comment, go to the top of the document. Click “Review.” Then, you will highlight the area on the paper that you would like to comment on and click “comment” (at the top, in the selection area). When you have finished making the comment, click on another part of the draft. The comment will be saved on the screen.

Making Comments on Your Peers’ Drafts

Please use the following questions to guide your comments on your peers’ drafts. Commenting on a peer’s draft is more than pointing out grammar errors; it is helping them, overall, with the assignment, in general. Also make sure that you strike a balance with your comments, balancing the positive with the constructive.

The questions below are to help you comment on your fellow student’s drafts helpfully and effectively. ENGL 121 – Fall 2019 (Karslake)

What do you think the writer’s main idea or thesis is? Where is it stated or clearly implied?

How does this reflection connect to a wider audience? •

Has the writer clearly conveyed the source article’s main point? Is there a summary paragraph to help the reader understand the original article?

Where does the essay come alive?

Underline images (created by words), descriptions, and dialogue that seemed especially vivid.

Has the writer followed the assignment instructions? Is there anything that needs to be added?

If this paper were yours, what is the one thing you would be sure to work on before handing it in?

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