• Analyze the given case study on security breach.
  • Recommend controls to avoid an enterprise security breach.

Assignment Requirements

Read the text sheet named “Local Breach of Sensitive Online Data” and address the following:

Using what you have learned about security breaches, describe what measures should have been taken by the educational service and test preparation provider to avoid the security breach mentioned in the text sheet.

You need to prepare a summary report. The report should include the following:

  • Explanation of the security controls that could have prevented the security breach
  • Rationale for choosing the security controls

Required Resources

  • Text sheet: Local Breach of Sensitive Online Data (access_ts_localbreach)

Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide
  • Length: 2 pages
  • Citation Style: APA with at least 2 Refferences

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have raised questions and solicited instructor input on the topics discussed.
  • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
  • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
  • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.
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