In your response, you should aim to keep the discussion going by examining the views presented. Avoid the temptation of simply agreeing and praising others. Instead, offer an alternative view, or point to what may not have been considered. Attempt to keep the discussion going by examining others’ ideas about how to think and by examining the struggles that we all have in harnessing our minds and responding to our realities in a positive manner. 5 sentences or more.

Hello my name is Evan Burgess. I am active duty Coast Guard for 18 years now and hopefully I will be finishing with my degree within a year in criminal justice. I have two more years before I’m eligible to retire and find something else to do in my life. I’m originally from the Bronx NYC and I’m currently stationed in Jacksonville NC on camp Lejeune. I enjoy sports, Traveling working out and spending time with family. I have a twin brother and a older brother and we all love to hang out. My favorite football team is the Giants and the Eagles cant explain how that is.

(the value of a university education is that it gives you the freedom to choose how you interpret your circumstances, regardless of what is happening around you). This statement can be true because everyone will have interpret things differently. Not all interpretations will be the correct one though regardless of what is happening. I don’t have a degree yet but many of situations that I have been in just in life, has allowed me to interpret things differently from a college educated person.

Do you usually command such freedom, or do you find yourself taken over by frustration, impatience, and even rage, when things around you do not work out the way that you would prefer?

Depending on the situation on hand I try not to get frustrated when dealing with any situation. Being frustrated in my line of work would get you or someone killed. I believe staying calm help you to stay in control of many situations versus being frustrated, impatient or enraged. Being able to reason will help in many situations where an absolute decision will not always be acceptable or possible due to circumstances or change of plans. I look forward to meeting you all.

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