Instructions: you need to use the reader book Perspectives on Early America to answer at TWO of these questions. Each answer should be 2-3 fairly long paragraphs and you need to use examples from the essays in your answer.
- Newman-Slave Revolts. Describe the slave revolts and attempted slave revolts during the 1600s and 1700s. Use examples from the essay in your answer.
- Newman- Frederick Douglass. From the information in this essay write a biography of the life and times of Frederick Douglass.
- Gudelunas- American Politics. Describe the evolution of the two party political system in our early history and use examples from this essay in your answer.
- Adams- Ensuring National Security. Describe the evolution of American foreign policy in our early history and use examples from this essay in your answer.
- Hunt-American Revolutionary war. Write a narrative that shows the evolution of the military action in the American Revolution.
- Ennis-Coming of the Civil War. How does Ennis describe the major causes of the Civil War? Use examples from the essay in your answer.
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