Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.” -The community of interest is Scottsdale, Arizona USA. Address every bulleted statement in the 2 following sections with data or rationale for deferral. 1.) Value/Belief Pattern • Predominant ethnic and cultural groups along with beliefs related to health. • Predominant spiritual beliefs in the community that may influence health. • Availability of spiritual resources within or near the community (churches/chapels, synagogues, chaplains, Bible studies, sacraments, self-help groups, support groups, etc.). • Do the community members value health promotion measures? What is the evidence that they do or do not (e.g., involvement in education, fundraising events, etc.)? • What does the community value? How is this evident? • On what do the community members spend their money? Are funds adequate? 2.) Health Perception/Management • Predominant health problems: Compare at least one health problem to a credible statistic (CDC, county, or state). • Immunization rates (age appropriate). • Appropriate death rates and causes, if applicable. • Prevention programs (dental, fire, fitness, safety, etc.): Does the community think these are sufficient? • Available health professionals, health resources within the community, and usage. • Common referrals to outside agencies.

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