Part A Instructions:
Draft a persuasive request email to a person who holds a job that you would like to have one day, maybe 5 or 10 years from now. (See pages 51 and 125 in Writing for the Workplace for a description and example special request email) Your purpose is to request a video, phone, or face-to-face meeting in order interview your recipient about his or her career and field. Indicate why you are writing, precisely what information you will be seeking, and why you need it. Offer to share your report with the recipient after it is finished.
This will eventually become an email you actually send to an real person to request an interview for project 2 for this class. (You might have to follow up with a phone call as well.) For now, your draft will allow me to give you a little guidance and feedback.
Project 2 (due after we complete the cover letter/ resume project and revision) will ask you to interview a person at a reasonably high level in your field to learn more about this career path and what you can be doing to better prepare. Please note that this is not a mock job interview—it is meant for you to gain insight from a possible mentor in your field. It’s in your best interest to pick a specific, real person for this draft so that you can research and tailor the information toward this reader.
You will be looking for candid and honest feedback about what this person’s job is like, a picture of the industry, and an understanding of the experiences and education that led your interviewee to this position.
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