You are analyzing packet captures from a wireless network to assess if the captures pose a threat, what risks, if any. For this assignment, analyze the packet captures provided by Wireshark by doing the following: Go to the Wireshark Sample Captures site, and download the following: · wpa-Induction.pcap.gz Wi-Fi 802.11 WPA traffic · wpa-eap-tls.pcap.gz WiFi 802.11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample · nb6-hotspot.pcap Someone connecting to SFR’s wireless community network · ciscowl.pcap.gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0 · wap_google.pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs Note: Only download these sample captures. Other captures may set off your computer’s system defenses. Use Wireshark to view and analyze the sample captures. Create a 1-page table that ranks the packet captures from the highest to lowest threat. In your table provide the following for each packet capture: · Description of the traffic · Description of the risks, if any, the traffic poses to the wireless network · Countermeasures to take to secure network from any threat Write a 1/2- to 1-page memo to management as a network security specialist explaining the following: · How you can distinguish hostile packet data from normal packet data · How you can recognize any attack signatures in the packets you analyze · Provide a rationale for ranking the packets as you did

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