Option #1: Agriculture – BI Use Case: Farm to Market

This assignment has two parts, A and B.

IMPORTANT: To receive full credit, you must complete both Part A and Part B of this assignment

Part A

In this assignment, you will plan and design a BI solution framework for a large farming company to streamline its farming products ordering and deliveries to the market (wholesale markets and large grocery stores).


Your BI solution must include:

  • Data accessed from different sources and historical data
  • Real-time data capable of predicting products ordering
  • Price adjustment ability based on market and environment change
  • Records of past delivery methods, and ability to modify delivery methods for customers
  • Online ordering and delivery system
  • One single system for ordering and tracking

Submission Requirements:

Your framework should meet the following requirements:

  • Three pages (750-1,205 words) in length
  • Formatted according to APA guidelines as explained in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.) (subheadings, one-inch margins, and double spacing)
  • Supported by three credible, academic outside sources in addition to course materials
  • Write clearly and logically, as you will be graded on content, analysis, and your adherence to the tenets of good academic writing, which should be succinct where possible while also exploring the topics appropriately. Integrate and cite scholarly sources to support your work, and supplement your ideas.
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