You will undertake an analysis based on a self-designed fictitious study that utilizes statistical methodologies. You will first develop a fictitious problem to examine – it can be anything. For example, maybe you want to look at whether scores on a standardized college placement test (like the SAT) are related to the level of income a person makes 10 years after college; Or, whether those who participate in a Leadership Training program rated as better managers compared to those who do not; Or, whether ones political affiliation is related to gender. These are just a few examples; be creative and think about what piques your interest. You might also address a problem that you may want to look at in future research for a dissertation or post-graduation research you may want to do. You will use either EXCEL or SPSS to conduct the analysis. Your analysis report should include the following components:
- Describe your research study.
- State a hypothesis.
- List and explain the variables you would collect in this study. There must be a minimum of three variables and two must meet the assumptions for a correlational analysis.
- Create a fictitious data set that you will analyze. The data should have a minimum of 30 cases, but not more than 50 cases.
- Conduct a descriptive data analysis that includes the following:
- a measure of central tendency
- a measure of dispersion
- at least one graph
- Briefly interpret the descriptive data analysis.
- Conduct the appropriate statistical test that will answer your hypothesis. It must be a statistical test covered in this course such as regression analysis, single t-test, independent t-test, cross-tabulations, Chi-square, or One-Way ANOVA. Explain your justification for using the test based on the type of data and the level of measurement that the data lends to for the statistical analysis.
- Report and interpret your findings. Use APA style and include a statement about whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. Here are some resources that will help you with APA formatting in this step:
Reporting Statistics in APA Style
Reporting Results of Common Statistical Tests in APA Format - Copy and paste your Excel or SPSS data output and place it in an appendix.
- Submit an annotated bibliography of five articles directly related to your dissertation topic. For each article, please provide the reference in APA format and then answer the following questions:
1a. If a study: What was the purpose of this study? Briefly summarize how they designed the study and collected their data. What, for you, was the most salient result they found?
1b. If not a study: What was the purpose of the article and what for you was the key take-away message?
2. What are the main strengths, weaknesses, and unique aspects of this resource?3. How might you use this resource in the future (e.g., I might use this article in my literature review to support the need for my study; I might use the measure they developed in this study; I might use the same theory used in this study….)
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