ATTTACH ALL THE QUESTIONES IN A WORD DOCUMENT IN TEXT CITATIONS MUST APA FORMAT MUST You must have at least one course and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 1. don’t select face book, apple, select small companies Discussion (5) Note : Make sure the company selected are unique [ The mode of entry a company chooses to enter international markets depends on a variety of factors including the nature of the company’s strategic objectives. Select a well-known company that competes in the international markets. What was the company’s mode of entry? What was the entry designed to achieve? Finally identify two advantages and two disadvantages to the entry mode chosen by the company. Incorporate our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week into your above responses. Your initial response to the discussion question should be 250 words. You must have at least one course (our Thompson Text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting. Sources require in-text citations and must be incorporated into the body of the post in addition to a full APA citation at the end of the post. ] – 250 words ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 2. Assignment (5) [ Modes of entry into an international market are the channels which organizations employ to gain entry to a new international market. Within our Thompson (2020) text, read Chapter 7 Assurance of Learning Exercise #2 related to Walgreens’ mode(s) international market entry and respond to the following questions: What was Walgreens’ entry strategy designed to achieve? Why would this make sense for a company like Walgreens? Provide two recommendations on what Walgreens might do differently going forward with their entry strategy? Make sure you support your recommendations? Incorporate our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week into your above responses. Submission Details: Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data. Your analysis should be 350 words. Incorporate a minimum of at least one course (Thompson text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, double-spaced and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines.] – 350 words ———————————————————————————————————————- 3. dont select facebook, apple, select small companies Discussion (6) NOTE: Make sure you choose a company that has not been selected unique. [Select a company of your choosing. In the event the company has the opportunity to diversify into other products or businesses of your choosing, would you opt to pursue related diversification, unrelated diversification, or a combination of both? Explain why? Identify one pro and one con associated with your choice(s) of diversification. Incorporate our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week into your post analysis. Instructions to write : Your initial response to the discussion question should be 250 words. You must have at least one course (Thompson text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting. Sources require in-text citations and must be incorporated into the body of the post in addition to a full APA citation at the end of the post.] – 250 words ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-…

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