hi this is online class and this week we talked about   Behaviorism my post + reply to 3 classmate Behaviorism is the belief that instruction is achieved by observable, measurable, and controllable objectives set by the instructor and met by the learners who elicit a specific set of responses based upon a controlled set of stimuli. Behaviorism operates on the principle of stimulus-response and that negative and positive reinforcement increases the probability of behavior/learning. Theorists such as Pavlov, Skinner, and Thorndike are proponents of behaviorism. Behaviorism does not concern itself with the learner’s internal mental states, constructs, and symbols that cognitivism considers in its focus on learning schemas. With cognitivism, the focus of research is on how the brain receives, internalizes, and recalls information. Behaviorism is not interested in internal mental states, but only in external outputs, learning products, and behavioral change. Behaviorism is not concerned with the willfulness, creativity, and autonomy of the learners that constructivism considers in its focus on the learning process. With constructivism, the focus of research is on how to help learners construct, rather than be controlled by the learning experience. Behaviorism is not interested in any behavior from the students that is not predicted beforehand by the learning objectives and demonstrated by the behavioral outcomes. Unlike humanism, behaviorism is not interested in the self-direction or self-actualization of the learner. It is not concerned about whether individual or social human needs arc met through the educational process, as is humanism. Behaviorism is concerned with learning outputs, with a set of single events controlled by the stimulus-response mechanism versus the learning and thinking that is the focus of humanism. Nevertheless, despite its detractors and opposing schools of learning (cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism), behaviorism is still a powerful force in how children and adults are taught nearly seventy years after Skinner began his research with animals. Guiding Questions What is learning? How have Behaviorist approaches impacted teaching and learning and what is their significance? In what ways do this week’s readings connect with your experiences of teaching and learning? Pre-Reading Before attending to this week’s readings, think about the questions above. Much like you would do a K-W-L Chart with your students; determine what you KNOW about the topic and what you WANT to KNOW about the topic. Your R2R Post will indicate what you LEARNED about this week’s content. Refer to the R2R details and the success criteria outlined in the Syllabus. Readings Hattie & Donoghue: Chapter 7 Phllips & Soltis: Chapters 2 & 3 Schunk: Chapter 3 Activities Complete Assigned Readings Post R2R#3 Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ posts Classmate  1 Hi everyone! This weeks reading focused on classical theories of learning, including behaviorism and the model of learning. Learning can be defined as knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study; and also as modification of a behavioral tendency by experience (such as exposure to conditioning). While reading this week, I stumbled across this quote, “It is most effective to present material in a way that is both interesting and understandable to those who are to learn it.” Phillips, D.C., & Soltis, J.F. (2009). Perspectives on Learning (5th ed.). New York: Teachers College Press. Page 9. There are many things that need to be in place in order to make learning happen. We have been taught that in order for learning to happen students need to have their basic needs met, interested in the topic, material is relevant,  demonstrates confidence, and has the skills necessary to learn; these are only a few examples. The model of learning is made up of 3 components; learner inputs, learning agents, and learning outcomes. Learner inputs are skill (knowledge and ability…

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