Why do you think Apples functional structure has been so important for their products? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200) 2. What are the outside forces that might make Apple change their organizational structure in the future? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200) 3. How might Apple change their structure in a way that allows them to have the best of both worlds? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200) Part:-2 Discussion question: Page: – Please read Chapter 15 Organizational Structure carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding. 4. Which of the organizational forms described in this chapter do you think leads to the highest levels of motivation among workers? Why? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200) Important Note: – Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Due date for the submission of Assignment:- 3 · Assignment-3 should posted in the Black Board by end of Week-11. · The due date for the submission of Assignment-3 is end of Week-13.
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