IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, OPEN THIS PAGE AGAIN AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. A PMHNP is using Gestalt therapy to communicate with a 50-year-old patient who is going through a divorce. As he is calmly sharing the details of his divorce, the PMHNP notices that Dave is tapping his fingers on his legs. What is an appropriate response by the PMHNP using the technique of focusing? A 25-year-old female states, “I really need to lose weight. I know I’m the cause of our problems,  if I could just lose weight he might be more attracted to me. Then we could start a family and we would be happy. I’m sure of it, right, we would definitely be happy!” Which statement shows the PMHNP’s ability to apply “summarizing”? As part of the PMHNP’s role in the clinic, the PMHNP oversees students that gain clinical experience at the agency. The student is instructed to use the supportive psychodynamic therapy approach with the patient. Which action made by the student causes the PMHNP to intervene, after observing the student interacting with the patient? A PMHNP is using motivational interviewing (MI) with a 50-year-old patient named Dave to commit to a healthy drug-free lifestyle. By using “change talk,” the PMHNP hopes to help the patient build self-esteem and hope. True or false: If Dave is resisting change, the PMHNP should challenge his resistance in order for MI to be successful. The PMHNP is actively listening to Ms. Thomas who is detoxing from alcohol. Ms. Thomas is currently discussing with the PMHNP the reasons why she feels guilty about her drinking. Ms. Thomas tearfully states, “I have driven my family and friends away with this terrible habit. I have no one left. I had more than enough chances and now my children won’t even talk to me.” Which of the following statements demonstrate a simple reflection? A PMHNP is using Gestalt therapy to communicate with a 42-year-old patient who is upset with her mother. She says, “I want to tell her how hurt I feel when she doesn’t call me, but I don’t want to upset her.” What technique can the PMHNP use to help Sasha express herself? The PMHNP is meeting with an older, female adult patient and her daughter. The patient has early onset dementia. The daughter expresses concern, saying, “I don’t want you to just stick my mother in a home and give her medicine. I’m worried that’s what people are going to want to do.” What is the best response by the PMHNP to the daughter? The PMHNP meets with a 31-year-old woman who reports feeling as though she is “at her breaking point” with work. The PMHNP learns that the woman works 12-hour days, including one day on the weekend, because she is nervous about company layoffs. “I feel like I need to work myself to death in order to prove that I am valuable to the organization,” the woman says. Using the supportive psychodynamic therapy approach, how does the PMHNP respond? When preparing to terminate a patient, what does the PMHNP do to organize thoughts about the patient’s progress made during treatment? Linda is a 65-year-old patient who has completed initial treatment for alcohol addiction and anxiety problems. She is motivated to continue her treatment gains and have a healthy lifestyle. How would the PMHNP apply a mindfulness approach to this case? The PMHNP is caring for a young adult patient with whom the PMHNP decides to use a dynamic supportive therapy approach in addition to pharmacological intervention. Which therapeutic action will the PMHNP take to employ the strategy of holding and containing the patient? The PMHNP is caring for an adult male patient whose wife left him several months ago. He recently learned that his ex-wife is dating someone much younger. The man feels belittled, sad, and lonely. He talks about trying to meet other women, but says, “I can’t compete with the younger guys these days, with the cool clothes and the vegan diets. I’m bald and overweight, and what woman is going to want to be with me?” How d…

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