1)This week we will discuss what is required to really make visualizations work. Berinato (2016) notes that the nature and purpose of your visualizations must be considered in order to start thinking visually. Berinato combines the nature and purpose into a 2×2 matrix that defines the following four types of visual communication: idea illustration, idea generation, visual discovery, and everyday dataviz. Select and discuss one of the four types of visual communication: idea illustration, idea generation, visual discovery, and everyday dataviz from Berinato’s 2016 article.

Remember your initial post on the main topic should be posted by Wednesday 11:59 PM (EST). Your 2 following posts should be commenting on your classmates’ post on different days by Sunday 11:59 PM (EST). You should end the week with 3 total discussion posts.

A quality post is more than stating, “I agree with you.” Maybe you should state why you agree with your classmate’s post. Additionally, post some examples or find a related topic on the internet or University’s library and comment on it in the discussion post.

Reference: Berinato, S. (2016, June). Visualizations that really work. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2016/06/visualizations-that-really…

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