1)For this written assignment, answer the questions below in a typed document. Outside sources should not be necessary, but if they are used, cite them using APA format.
1. What other strategic processes are closely tied to ERM?
2. What three kinds of risks are identified within the City of Edmonton?
3. What two criteria must be balanced in a successful ERM model?
4. Who is responsible for dealing with and mitigating risks?
5. To what body must the City’s strategic risks be reported?
As part of this assignment, there is also a discussion board. Participating in the discussion will help you test your understanding on concepts used for the assignment questions.
2)A percentage of your grade is based on your posts on the Discussion Boards. You must post at least three times. One post should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion board, should be a minimum of 300 words, and should be posted no later than Thursday to give peers an opportunity to reply. The other post should be a thoughtful response to another student’s post, and should be a minimum of 100 words. In addition to the questions below, feel free to talk about any personal experience, thoughts, or ideas that are related to the discussion.
- Critical national infrastructure services need a defense in depth scheme that is developed with many considerations. Briefly explain at least two of them.
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