“Salmonella in the Caribbean.” Then, address the following critical elements in your short paper: II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. Tip: Use the data in Table 1 of the final project research study to calculate the incidence of the Total of Serotypes. Also, use the incidence to help you determine the prevalence of the disease. D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease. Tip: Use the data in Table 2 of the final project research study to calculate the odds ratio. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting and citations.

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