After learning how to distinguish between DAP and DIP this module and how you can impact healthy development and self-esteem, you will now be reflecting on developmentally appropriate practices and your role as an ECE educator.

Key Area of Practice for Module 02: Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Reflect on how you would promote developmentally appropriate practices after reflecting on what you observed in the assigned videos for this assignment, Be prepared to explain how the the activities you observed match or vary from the DAP principles described in the Developmentally Appropriate Practices lecture in this module, and why.

To complete this assignment, first watch all of the videos listed below in the Module 02 playlist.

The Teacher’s Role in Pretend Play

A Butterfly Landed on Me

Blocks in the Bucket

Writing the Word Cat

Planning to Paint, then Draw

Owen’s First Fan

Talking with Drums

What Makes these Stars on the Floor?

Next, answer the following questions. In your written responses, be sure to use complete sentences as well as proper punctuation and grammar.

1. Reflect on this module’s key area of practice. Share specific examples of what this looked like in the videos.

2. Share an example of how you plan to use this key area of practice in your work with young children and families.

3. Briefly share one “a-ha” moment or a key take-away from the videos.

Download a template containing these questions below. Be sure to rename the downloaded template with the current module number so you don’t overwrite an assignment from another module

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