The Autonomic Nervous System can be challenging to understand because it is connected to virtually every body function in opposite ways. We are going to explore the physiology of the ANS in this discussion by looking at specific examples of how it works. For your first discussion post, describe how the parasympathetic nervous system influences one function in your body. For example, the parasympathetic nervous system causes decreased blood pressure. If you chose this body function, you would describe the physiology behind the decreased blood pressure. How does it happen? What occurs in the heart/blood vessels? Which scenarios or external factors would cause the parasympathetic nervous system to activate this response? For your reply post, discuss the sympathetic nervous system’s influence on the function your peer chose. For example, if your classmate discussed the parasympathetic influences the diameter of your pupil, you need to describe how the sympathetic nervous system affects the diameter of your pupil. Your post and reply should each be at least one paragraph long (about 4-5 sentences minimum). Try to use a body function that is unique from other examples already posted by other students. There are hundreds of options!

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