SIOP Model Lesson Plan Using your SIOP Model Planning Sheet, in addition to your instructor’s feedback on this assignment from Week 4, you will be transforming an ordinary lesson plan into a SIOP lesson plan that will meet the diverse needs of ELLs by applying the knowledge you have learned throughout this course. Your lesson plan must have evidence for each component of the SIOP Model: lesson preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice/application, lesson delivery, and review/assessment. Step One: You will be using the same lesson plan to modify that you selected in Week 4 during your planning stage: First Grade Math: A lesson on Symmetry Third Grade Science: A lesson on Magnets Fourth Grade Social Studies: A lesson on the Algonquian Way of Life Fifth Grade English Language Arts: A lesson of Different Genres ( attach below) Step Two: You will use the following SIOP Model Lesson Plan Template (attach below) to complete your modified lesson plan and to ensure that all eight components of the SIOP model are evident in your lesson plan. Feel free to review the videos on the 8 components of the SIOP Model from Week 4’s assignment for additional support. Step Three: You are going to describe two additional instructional accommodations or modifications that you would specifically provide for your chosen case study student. This section is clearly marked in your SIOP Model Lesson Plan Template. Be sure to use evidence from the text and one additional scholarly sources to support your reasons for the accommodations or modifications you recommend for your case study student. Choose one of the case study students below to make those specific accommodations or modifications in meeting their individual needs . Lupe: Lupe has lived in a suburban, middle-class city in the United States for 10 years. She is able to speak Spanish at home, but she is unable to read or write in her first language. She was in bilingual classes in for the first two years of elementary school and is now mainstreamed, although her English is not completely fluent. She has basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and struggles with cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). She is friendly and cooperative when she is in class, but she doesn’t do homework. She seems to prefer talking with friends to completing assignments. Teachers think she has academic potential, but worry that she will eventually drop out of school because of persistent underachievement. According to the Stages of Second Language Acquisition, she exhibits speech emergence in reading, writing, and listening/speaking. Hui: Hui came from Vietnam, where he worked with his uncle in the marketplace, selling watches before immigrating to the United States last year. He is living in a low-SES ethnic enclave in an urban city with a lot of immigrants from Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. He had about four years of full-time schooling in Vietnam and is proficient in his first language. He did really well in school until he moved to the United States as a refugee. He does really well in math but is failing his language arts classes. His attendance has also been intermittent as he gets sick a lot. He is the smallest boy in class and does not talk very much. He does not have basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) or cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). According to the stages of second language acquisition , he is at early production stage in reading, writing, and listening/speaking. Sara: Sara has lived in the United States for six months. She comes from an upper class family. She was born in Germany and speaks German fluently and proficiently. Her father is in the United States for business reasons. They plan on moving back to Germany in three years, when the contract expires. Sara aims to please, but does not initiate conversations with other students. She was educated in her home country and, in fact, studied some English…

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