dule Assessment: Consultant to New Nation: Psychological Well-Being and Psychological Distress Policy Recommendation For this Module 3 Assessment, you will finalize your Module Assessment for submission in which you examine a situation that includes making a policy recommendation based on your expertise as a psychological consultant to a newly discovered nation. Your recommendations will be included in a 5-page paper not including your title and reference page. To Prepare: Review the following situation: Imagine you are serving as a psychological consultant to a newly discovered nation of the world and you discover that most people in this nation are happy while some are distressed and suffering from psychological disorders or mental distress. Review and use any of the course Learning Resources to support this Module Assessment. You may also use any resources from your previous research for this course. Assignment: (5 pages excluding title page and reference page) Part 1: Happiness and Well-Being (2 pages) Based on the situation provided and utilizing the course Learning Resources to support your thinking: Select and describe three influences on happiness and well-being that vary across cultures for your new nation. Explain why you think these three influences are critical to improving national well-being. Part 2: Psychological Distress and Disorder (2 pages) Based on the situation provided and utilizing the course Learning Resources to support your thinking: Select and describe three influences on psychological distress and disorders that vary across cultures for your new nation. Explain why you think these three influences are especially significant for understanding the nation’s psychological distress. Part 3: Policy Recommendation (1 page) Based on the situation provided and utilizing the course Learning Resources to support your thinking: Make three policy recommendations to reduce psychological distress and explain why. Make three policy recommendations for psychological well-being for this new nation and explain why. Support your finding with references from the Learning Resources and your research. Support your Module Assessment by citing all resources in APA style, including those in the Learning Resources. By Day 7

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