The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the factors that influence ethical decision-making, and to explain why ethical decision-making in health care is important. Health care professionals are faced with a wide range of contemporary ethical dilemmas. Examination of how one can deliver ethical, professional care, regardless of personal beliefs and values, can ensure professional ethics, standards, and policies are upheld. Review the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work,” located in the Topic Materials. Consider the tenets of the Christian worldview and think about how your personal values and beliefs relate. Consider situations where the standards and policies for ethical care might conflict with your personal values and beliefs. In a 750- to 1,000-word personal narrative, describe how you can apply the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective to make ethical health care decisions, regardless of your personal values and beliefs, by using real world examples and addressing the following: Explain an event or experience that caused you to examine the values, norms, and socially constructed rules of conduct that influence morality. Explain the impact that differing cultures, traditions, and personal experiences have had in shaping your worldview. Include discussion of how your worldview encompasses the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective related to human value, dignity, and ethical decision-making as a health care professional. Describe how you distinguish between moral conflict and ethical dilemmas, and include specific examples. Discuss the value of integrity, accountability, and ethical behavior in health care, and explain how these influence your view, ideas, and choices.

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