• All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Student must apply “Times New Roman Font” with 1.5 space within theirreports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Assignment -1 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-06
  • If the assignment shows more than 25% plagiarism, the students would begraded zero.
  • Instructions for the students:

    1. Assignment has to be in Word format only no PDF.
    2. First page of the assignment is the cover page, it should be filled withØ Course Code (ECOM 301) and Course Title (E-Marketing) and CRN- Student Name and ID. Number Date of Submission.
    3. Second page should be Assignment questions.
    4. After the question page then present your answer.
    5. Finally, your file should be saved as Word Doc like ID.NO- ECOM301 A-1STUDENT NAME.doc [only CAPITAL LETTERS][Example.] 170058384-ECOM301 A-1 BANDAR ALGHAMDI.doc

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