Revising 3 projects: annotated bibliography, evaluation, and research proposal and write a reflection (2-3 double spaced pages). Will include some comments on each project to help you when you revise down below. I don’t have any comments for the proposal so just do your best. Highlight revisions please. The article for the evaluation project is attached.

Annotated bibliography (Project #1): I also like your title; it’s a great way to let your readers know what the sources are focused on (and whether they’re applicable to the readers’ interests). When revising, you might focus on bringing the main idea into the first line. While summaries can sometimes build up to the main point, you want to get there quickly with an annotated bibliography. Remember, your audience is often reading this to find literature to read and ‘enter the conversation,’ so beginning with the point helps. You did this well in the Lofton entry. You started out with the main point (what the authors are trying to say) and followed up with supporting evidence. I think if you employ this method with some of the other entries (like the Health Information National Trends Survey and the Miller entry), you’ll have an excellent annotated bibliography.

Evaluation (Project #2): While you’ve got a great grasp on the concept of evaluation, the assignment calls for the evaluation of a specific text. The definition of a text is fairly broad–it can be anything from a tweet to a documentary–but it has to be something that humans created. You could argue that social media and mental health was created by humans as a concept, but it doesn’t qualify as a text. Try to find something within the topic (like one of the sources you referenced) and evaluate that based on criteria.

I will need the 3 project revised with Highlighted revisions back. So, you can revise the projects first then write a 2-3 pages of reflection on them. What you can include in the reflection could be how hard or easy they were to write and revise, what are some problems or trouble spots that came up during writing them and how you revised theme or what you did when revising them, etc.

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