Question Description

Textbook Title: Larson, E (2017) Project Management, The Managerial Process, 7th edition

Textbook Publisher: McGraw Hill

Textbook ISBN: 9781259666094

Read the case studies and answer the questions at the end of each case study.

  • Case 1.2 The Hokies Lunch Group
  • Case 2.3 Fund Raising Project
  • Case 3.1 Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm
  • Case 4.1 Manchester United Soccer Club
  • Case 4.2 Home Improvement Project

Writing requirements:

  • The Essay must be 4-5 pages long. Double Space. Be sure to include a minimum of 3 references.
  • Conduct research to find relevant information using reliable sources to support your views.
  • Use at least 2 academic books and 3 scholarly articles from a library database
  • Use APA Style for in-text citations, and references
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