Liberty University CJUS 530 Quiz 2 Question 1 0 out of 5 points In the public workplace of criminal justice organization employees, there are numerous court cases that either hold an employee(s), the criminal justice organization or both accountable for intentional and sometimes unintentional deprivations of a citizen’s constitution rights in the form of a civil tort. There is a speci?c U.S. Supreme Court case that now will no longer allow the acceptance of the excuse of, “I didn’t know,” in that the justices indicated that in some cases there is a ‘duty to train employees’ to avoid such violations. Many times this case is referred to as the one that ‘opened the litigation door’ for the failure to reasonable train an employee. That case is   . Question 2 5 out of 5 points Charisma is de?ned as that personal magic which arouses special loyalty, enthusiasm and respect for a beloved leader. Which of the following powers would charisma be placed? Question 3 5 out of 5 points Communication serves four very important functions in a criminal justice organization. Those four functions are emotive function, motivational function, informational function and function. Question 4 0 out of 5 points In order for a public service organization to be strategically situated in its succession planning, personnel must be trained and be able to   . Question 5 5 out of 5 points In conducing the performance appraisals for personnel the supervisor, manager, leader, etc. must always be aware of certain errors or e?ects that can skew a well thought out and well plan appraisal system. One of those e?ects is called the halo e?ect. It is described below as . Selected Answer: I got a good one when they transferred this guy to me and he is just perfect and never makes a mistake. Question 6 5 out of 5 points From the research works of Violanti and Marshall in the 1980s, they identi?ed four transitory stages that a criminal justice employee (police) will go through in the course of a career. Those four stages are alarm, personalization, introspection and   . Question 7 0 out of 5 points The Transportation Workplace Security Enhancement Act of 2009 was intended to . Selected Answer: Give public safety unions more power to organize through ‘card check’. Question 8 0 out of 5 points Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee all have an overweight and obesity rate at 65% or higher. Selected Answer: True Question 9 0 out of 5 points There are three major steps to have a successful performance based management system for a criminal justice organization. Those steps are: 1. De?ne the organizational mission and the strategic performance objectives; 2. Establish an integrated performance system; and 3. Establish accountability for performance. Selected Answer: False Question 10 5 out of 5 points In preparing an organization for change there are many models on the market in both old and new management books. The authors have used the SARA model as a very simple planning process to assisting a leader in taking his/her organizational change move to reach his targeted goal. The SARA model stands for Scanning, Analysis, Response and what other step? Question 11 5 out of 5 points In reading about interpersonal con?ict in one of the current textbooks more than one has been identi?ed. Which of the following is not a type of interpersonal con?ict? Question 12 5 out of 5 points The decision?making process consists of four speci?c steps. They are: 1. Translate goals into objectives, and then translate objectives into payo?s and utility; 2. Choose among alternatives; 3. Select the alternative whose consequences have the greatest utility; and 4. _ . Question 13 5 out of 5 points When setting up a human resource system where employees are to be hired for tasks to be accomplished successfully, it is necessary that core competencies be established. In order words what do our future employees knew to know already and in what areas will they need training? Of the fou…

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