Liberty University CJUS 320 Quiz 3 ·  Question 1 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which was the first supermax prison in the United States? ·  Question 2 1.25 out of 1.25 points For which of the following types of offenders has the BOP developed supermax prisons? ·  Question 3 1.25 out of 1.25 points When treating a sex offender under civil commitment, which of the following is expected? ·  Question 4 1.25 out of 1.25 points Who are the primary victims of sexual assaults? ·  Question 5 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following diseases is most commonly spread through the bloodstream as a result of drug users sharing needles? ·  Question 6 1.25 out of 1.25 points For the purpose of treating a sex offender, how long can a state commit an offender to an institution? ·  Question 7 1.25 out of 1.25 points What dual problem do mentally ill inmates represent in jails and prisons? ·  Question 8 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is a form of incarceration in which juveniles handled by adult courts are placed in adult prisons with no separate housing or differentiation in programming or job assignments? ·  Question 9 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT included in the “comprehensive approach” toward sex offenders? ·  Question 10 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following provide for the management and secure control of inmates designated as violent or seriously disruptive in other prisons? ·  Question 11 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT a part of the usual inmate disciplinary system? ·  Question 12 1.25 out of 1.25 points What is the process to promote and recognize improvement in the management of correctional agencies through the administration of voluntary standards? ·  Question 13 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT a category of prohibited act according to the Bureau of Prisons policy? ·  Question 14 1.25 out of 1.25 points What kind of application process is used to determine whether correctional job candidates have issues that could put them in a compromising situation or make them more likely to accept a bribe? ·  Question 15 1.25 out of 1.25 points What are staff that provide rehabilitative activities sometimes called? ·  Question 16 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following types of sanction used for inmate discipline by most correctional systems is the least severe? ·  Question 17 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT true of the Adult Internal Management System? ·  Question 18 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which administrative function is NOT a typical responsibility of the central organization of a correctional agency? ·  Question 19 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT a type of issue dealt with by correctional agency legal offices? ·  Question 20 1.25 out of 1.25 points What is the chief executive officer of a prison usually called? ·  Question 21 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT a reason for what many see as the recent demise of inmate culture? ·  Question 22 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following elements is NOT from Irwin and Cressey’s list of good inmate behavior? ·  Question 23 1.25 out of 1.25 points Who tried to convince officials in the early 1800s that female prisoners should be separated from male prisoners and that female guards should be hired to supervise them? ·  Question 24 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following refers to gang members telling correctional officials everything they know about the gang operations and membership? ·  Question 25 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which prison gang is also known as the Texas Mexican Mafia? ·  Question 26 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is most true of gang members in prisons? ·  Question 27 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which of the following is NOT a measure used by prison staff to reduce the number of sexual assaults in prisons? ·  Question 28 1.25 out of 1.25 points How do most male inmates adjust to incarcerati…

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