• Directions

    The Widget Factory CISO suspects that there have been incidents of misuse of Widget Factory information assets that have not come to light because of failures in the oversight and management of those assets. He would like you to identify what law enforcement agencies would potentially become involved following discovery of possible criminal misuse of company assets. You also need to evaluate the internal environment to determine barriers to successful handoff to law enforcement following discovery of such an incident.Part 1: In 6–8 pages, complete the following:

    • Describe the risks and benefits of law enforcement participation in a remote investigation.
    • Identify law enforcement agencies that might be involved in an incident involving criminal or civil misuse of assets.
    • Evaluate the barriers to effective participation by law enforcement following an incident at the Widget Factory.
    • Describe the impact that improper evidence handling can have on the integrity of an investigation.

    Additional Requirements

    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.
    • Length: 6–8 pages, excluding the references page and the two screen captures from the Toolwire lab.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Describe the risks and benefits of law enforcement participation in a remote investigation.
Does not describe the risks and benefits of law enforcement participation in a remote investigation. Describes incompletely or inaccurately the risks and benefits of law enforcement participation in a remote investigation. Describes the risks and benefits of law enforcement participation in a remote investigation. Describes the risks and benefits of law enforcement participation in a remote investigation, including the use of supporting examples.
Identify law enforcement agencies that might be involved in an incident involving criminal or civil misuse of assets.
Does not identify law enforcement agencies that might be involved in an incident involving criminal or civil misuse of assets. Identifies incompletely or inaccurately the law enforcement agencies that might be involved in an incident involving criminal or civil misuse of assets. Identifies law enforcement agencies that might be involved in an incident involving criminal or civil misuse of assets. Identifies law enforcement agencies that might be involved in an incident involving criminal or civil misuse of assets, including the use of supporting examples.
Evaluate the barriers to effective participation by law enforcement following an incident.
Does not evaluate the barriers to effective participation by law enforcement following an incident. Evaluates incompletely or inaccurately the barriers to effective participation by law enforcement following an incident. Evaluates the barriers to effective participation by law enforcement following an incident. Evaluates the barriers to effective participation by law enforcement following an incident, including the use of supporting examples.
Describe the impact that improper evidence handling can have on the integrity of an investigation.
Does not describe the impact that improper evidence handling can have on the integrity of an investigation. Describes incompletely or inaccurately the impact that improper evidence handling can have on the integrity of an investigation. Describes the impact that improper evidence handling can have on the integrity of an investigation. Describes the impact that improper evidence handling can have on the integrity of an investigation, including the use of supporting examples.
Use forensics tools to discover evidence of criminal activity.
Does not use forensics tools to discover evidence of criminal activity. Uses forensics tools incompletely or inaccurately to discover or only partly discover evidence of criminal activity. Uses forensics tools to discover evidence of criminal activity. Uses forensics tools to discover evidence of criminal activity, including how these tools contribute to an incident investigation.
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