Complete the Lab #7 Exercises from your Student Lab Manual. Because we can complete these labs on any machine; You may skip steps 1-4 of the Lab Exercises as they deal with setup actions for your environment if you were using the publisher’ lab environment. For Step 5, you may choose your own Industry Vertical to work from. These Choices are also listed in the Student Lab Manual: a. Healthcare provider under HIPPA compliance law b. Regional bank under GLBA compliance law c. Nationwide retailer under PCI DSS standard requirements d. Higher-education institution under FERPA compliance law Then continue with Steps 6-11 in the Lab and complete the Deliverables as assigned below. Deliverables Upon completion of Lab #7 – Perform a Business Impact Analysis for a Mock IT Infrastructure, students are required to provide the following deliverables as part of this lab: Do Complete 1. Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet, Part A – BIA of business functions and operations 2. Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet, Part B – Business Impact Analysis Executive Summary Do NOT Complete: 3. Lab #7 – Assessment Questions and Answers SUBMIT ONLY YOUR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BIA FOR GRADING Evaluation Criteria and Rubrics The following are the evaluation criteria and rubrics for Lab #7 that the students must perform: 1. Was the student able to define the goal and objective of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)? –[20%] Was the student able to identify where a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) fits within a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)? – [20%] 3. Was the student able to identify mission critical applications and access to data requirements for a given scenario? – [20%] 4. Was the student able to perform a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) utilizing a qualitative assessment approach? – [20%] 5. Was the student able to create a Business Impact Analysis executive summary report for management? – [20%] Laboratory #7 Lab #7: Perform a Business Impact Analysis for a Mock IT Infrastructure Learning Objectives and Outcomes Upon completing this lab, students will be able to: Define the goal and objective of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Identify where a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) fits within a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Perform a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) utilizing a qualitative assessment approach Create a Business Impact Analysis executive summary report for management Required Setup and Tools This is a paper-based lab and does not require the use of a “mock” IT infrastructure or virtualized server farm. The standard Instructor and Student VM workstation with Microsoft Office 2007 or higher is required for this lab. Students will need access to their completed, Lab #4 –Assessment Worksheet, Part A – Perform a Qualitative Risk Assessment for an IT Infrastructure prioritizing the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities identified from the qualitative risk assessment. In addition, Microsoft Word is a required tool for the student to craft a BIA utilizing a qualitative assessment approach to prioritize mission critical applications, data, and IT systems and elements that are required to maintain business continuity. An executive summary report is also required for management along with answering and submitting the Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet questions. Recommended Procedures Lab #7 – Student Steps: Student steps needed to perform Lab #7 – Perform a Business Impact Analysis for an IT Infrastructure: Connect your removable hard drive or USB hard drive to a classroom workstation. Boot up your classroom workstation and DHCP for an IP host address. Login to your classroom workstation and enable Microsoft Word. Review Figure 2 – “Mock” IT Infrastructure. Copyright © 2013 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company All Rights Reserved. • Identify mission critical applications and access to data requirements for a given scenario -46- Current Version Date: 05/30/2011 Student Lab Manual 5. Identify the scenario/vertical industry you were…

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