Please see attachment Using the VCASTLE NetLab+ , complete the following activities. Click on the Show Lab Content button after you schedule the lab. It is strongly suggested that you open the Lab Content in one window and the topology image in another, and arrange them side by side so you may read the instructions in one window and enter the commands in the other. If you are using local classroom equipment you will need to implement or verify the cabling topology. For the VCASTLE Netlab+ remote lab system, the physical cable connections have already been made. Reference in the remote lab regarding connecting cables should be ignored. Interface names may vary among network device types. The interface names shown in the topology image are consistent with those found in the lab activity document. Use the IOS show interface and show controllers commands to determine the actual interface names for the devices used in the lab pod. When you have completed the activities, answer the questions that are within the individual labs in a Word Document. Within your submission, include your completed Lab Assignment Report . Save and name your file, ” CIS204_U1_LabAssignment_LastName.docx “. You must complete the activities in the following order: Lab Configuring Switch Security Features Configuring Switch Security Features Lab Configuring a Switch Management Address Configuring a Switch Management Address Lab Troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 Static Routes Troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 Static Routes

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