This paper should be approximately six pages long (about 2400 words). It should be written using technically correct language.
You should select at least three top contemporary issues relevant to your field and provide an in-depth discussion of each issue and its impact on society. Your paper should be aimed at the general reader and should be free from excessive jargon.
Below is a list of some of the well-known issues. However, you should not limit yourself to this list. Your research may bring to light other important issues that are not yet generally known.
A Partial List of Contemporary Issues
- Smart Grid
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Robotics and Ethics
- Advanced Navigation Systems
- Connected Vehicles
- Internet of Things
- Data Analytics
- Big Data
- Artificial Intelligence
- Block Chains
- Crypto Currency
- Drone Technology
- Technology in Homeland Security
- Biometric Systems and Privacy
- Body Monitoring systems
- Cyber Security
- Malware
- Infrastructure Protection
- Advance Home Monitoring Systems
- Cyber Physical Systems
Grading Rubric
- Overall Quality of writing – 25%
- Contemporary Issue#1 – Discussion – 15%; Impact on Society – 10%
- Contemporary Issue#2 – Discussion – 15%; Impact on Society – 10%
- Contemporary Issue#3 – Discussion – 15%; Impact on Society – 10%
Web links for writing a technical paper:
- Stanford University Technical Paper outline
- University of Colorado
- Columbia University
- Thoughts about writing a survey paper – University of Central Florida
- Steps to write a survey paper – Researchpedia
Special Note
This paper should be written by you. Please do not use any “paper writing service” or programs that generate technical papers using specified keywords. All material not written by you should be clearly delineated and attributed. Excessive “cut and paste” without attribution or wholesale copying will result in a grade of “F” for the course
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