For the Florence v. Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders (2012) (Corrections case): In this scenario, you are the warden of a prison. Write a policy and procedure about who is subject to various types of searches. write an appropriate policy and procedure to comply with the court. Use the Supreme Court site.
Who are the stakeholders in your scenario? For example, the stakeholders in scenario one may be the citizens, offenders, police personnel, police union, and police administrators. How can you balance the wishes of all stakeholders? What training may be needed, and how will it be implemented? What are the important aspects to be included in the policy and procedure? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Summary: Provide a brief summary about the selected case. II. Stakeholders: Describe the stakeholders within the selected case. III. Policy and Procedure: Create a policy and procedure that thoroughly complies with the court’s decision in the selected case. IV. Justification: Provide a justification for the policy and procedure that addresses the unique characteristics of the selected case.
MUST be APA Format!!! Plagiarism free, spelling free
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