1.Solve graded projects of pages 133-139, 165-168 and 195-200 of file 402943.pdf 2.Graded project of other file final graded project.pdf 3.This program:(you can take help for it at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18216716/java-abstract-classes-and-inheritance ) Write an application named UseLoan that uses an abstract class named PersonalLoan and subclasses to display two different types of loans -home and car- and the cost per month for each. Each of the subclasses contains a constructor that sets the cost per month based on the loan type, after prompting the user for at least one data-entry item that is used in the cost-determining decision. (For example, with a car loan, you might ask the age of the car, or whether it is a sports car.) Include an abstract toString() method in the PersonalLoan class that constructs a String containing all the relevant data. Prompt the user for the type of insurance, and then create and display the appropriate object. Save the files as PersonalLoan.java, CarLoan.java, homeLoan.java, and UseLoan.java. total 4 graded projects and one program Price is final…and i want work asap… (do not ask me to raise the price) Deliverables are mentioned in the graded projects

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