write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.

Part 1 (post this response in the main U2 DB thread “Unit 2 Discussion Board”)

common point of debate in law is whether laws should be changed based

upon the times or circumstances. It has been a consideration since the

Founding Fathers created the Constitution. For this debate discussion,

your task is to consider this issue, as it relates specifically to two

particular laws. The topic up for debate: should the Dodd-Frank Act

and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act be flexible and change based upon the times

or circumstances.

Read this article and then this information from the SEC on these Acts, and conduct a brief analysis of each, to demonstrate your understanding of both.

Part 2 (post this response in the appropriate topic within U2 DB (labeled “for” and “against”)
complete the following:

  • Provide an argument for the value in changing these two laws based on times/circumstances.

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