Instructional models apply learning theories to the selection of   instructional strategies in a manner that will improve planning and   differentiation to aid in student success. Understanding how various   teaching models and strategies were designed to better reach students   allows teachers to adjust their teaching styles to adapt their classrooms. For this assignment, complete the “Instructional   Models/Strategies” template. Part 1: Analysis Describe  the defining characteristics of each     instructional model or strategy. Include an example of how     you would use the instructional model or strategy in your teaching     to meet the needs of diverse students. Explain  how     the instructional model or strategy supports the diverse needs of   students. Part 2: Application Review the academic standard and learning objective you created in   Topic 2. Using the “Class Profile,” select three of the six   instructional models from Part 1 that would be appropriate to teach   the standard and objective. For each model, include the following: Explanation of how you would implement the model or strategy     to teach the standard and objective from Topic 2 Rationale explaining why the instructional model or strategy is     effective in supporting student learning of the standard and   objective Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

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