the topic is What is the impact of social media on human development?

There are THREE PARTS to this assignment:

PART 1: The annotated bibliography (15 points). Write an annotated bibliography for two academic, peer-reviewed journal articles you have found related to your topic. For each article, you will write two short paragraphs. The first paragraph will be a short summary of the article, and second paragraph will be an assessment of the source. Follow the description below under ‘Annotated Bibliography’ for instructions on how to write your summary and assessment of each of these 2 articles for this section of the assignment.* Be sure to include the full APA citation for EACH article.

PART 2: (5 points) Provide a brief description of what you have found so far in your inquiry on your topic. Include what other information your have found so far on your topic OTHER than your annotated bibliography information (non-academic sources, etc.). Also, any observations you’ve made, interviews, field trips you’ve done, etc.

PART 3: (5 points) Identify what you still need to do for this project, including going on observation field trips (if applicable to your topic) and/or conducting interviews, doing your cross-cultural comparison research, etc. Describe your ideas and preparations so far for who you might interview for you topic. You need to interview one PROFESSIONAL related to your topic (this could be a professor who does research related to your topic, or a professional working in a field related to your topic.) You can also perform additional interviews with other people who have had experience with your topic, but who aren’t professionals. See the writing guidelines posted for instructions on how to cite these

*please see the uploaded file.

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