Refer back to the “2027?” section on page 69 (Q1-Q7) of the textbook in uCertify, which provides an interesting discussion about the future of collaboration. After reading about the future of collaboration systems, how do you envision collaboration in your industry in the year 2027? Describe the industry that you currently work in or plan to work in along with a discussion of your vision of what collaboration will be like for your industry in the year 2027. Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.” ALSO PLEASE REPLY TO ANOTHER STUDENTS COMMENT BELOW Joseph: currently my organization collaborates using most technological means available.  We are a global airline, and being able to talk to station worldwide is a must.   We use teleconferencing tools, LMS courses for training via the LMS course portal for real time tracking of updated materials and courses taken by the employee.  Also we make site visit to demonstrate a one on one approach to tasks completion.  That of all the collaborative tools is my favorite.  I travel with my job to various location domestically to bring information relevant to the group I visit. Going forward perhaps they will hologram me to the locations that need instruction.  Artificial intelligence will have increased its effectiveness by the tenths of hundreds, and it will be amazing to see how these things progress.  One thing is clear is the importance of collaboration.  No well meaning organization who intends to succeed can do without it.

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