Resource: Overview of Information Systems and Technology Paper assignment from Week One.

This assignment is based on the Riordan Manufacturing Network Diagram that you chose for the Week One assignment.

Review the information selected for the Overview of Information Systems and Technology Paper assignment from Week One.

Using the information from your Week One Assignment, Explore your system’s vulnerabilities, and address the nature of potential internal and external threats and natural or unintended events that may jeopardize it.

What methods of attack could be used against your system?

What could happen as the result of those attacks?

How can you prevent such attacks?

Determine what levels of security are appropriate to secure the information system while allowing a maximum amount of uninterrupted workflow.

Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper that describes principles of risk management as they pertain to the chosen system and its associated technology.

DO NOT write about the products or history of Riordan Manufacturing from the information at the home page. This is an assignment about Information Technology.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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