Assignment Instructions Part 1 (50%) Complete the Skills Review – starting at Step 3 on pages Access 19 – Access 21 in Module 1: Getting Started with Access 2016, in the Friedrichsen text. You must create a new database, so pay close attention to Step 3.a You are “not” required to print the tables for Step 8.c (Note: the ProspectID field should be set as the primary key for the Prospects table after Step 3.b) Name the Access database file Last Name_LakeHomeMarketing (i.e. Smith_LakeHomeMarketing). Part 2 (50%) – Complete Review Question 3.10 on page 96 in the Connolly text. Include a description of the 3 service models defined by NIST. – Which cloud computing benefit do you feel is the most important and why? – Which cloud computing risk do you feel is the most important and why? Include the questions with your answers The submission should be well organized, demonstrate your understanding of the assigned material and be in the order of ~1,000+ words in length. Your submission must be original, include supporting sentences using the terms, concepts, and theories with the page number or website from the required readings or other material. Your submission should paraphrase the material you reference, restrict your use of direct quotes (copy and paste) to less than 20% of the submission (the grade will be impacted if you exceed this limit). I will give you access to the module and book.

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