A Total of ONLY 2 discussion questions. Very easy, straightforward, and simple. *Must be a total of minimum 150 words for each*
First Discussion Question (does not require student responses)
In recent years, North Korea and China have strongly condemned “sarcasm” in their societies. The complaint is that “sarcasm” is confusing to people, and they don’t want people to feel confused.
Do you really believe that sarcasm is confusing, or is the condemnation more a result of not wanting criticism.
Can sarcasm really be prevented?
Do recent comments in the U.S. about “fake news” or Saturday Night Live suggest this country’s impatience with sarcasm? Explain your reasoning.
Second Discussion Question (requires 2 student responses)
Do you believe you are ever persuaded to do something (or wear something or act a certain way) from watching a TV show or an internet presentation? What was it?
How is persuasion on TV or the internet like persuasion in writing?
How do you try to persuade a reader in your writing?
Remember to respond to two colleagues’ postings.
In addition to these questions, I would like you to simply respond to 2 other students’ responses agreeing with them on something they wrote with consideration of other student’s point of view. This is simply agreeing with a total of 2 other students responses with minimum 75 words.
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