IEP Book Summary Instructions After reading the Claxton IEP book, write a summary of at least 150 words for each of the seven sections . Each section must be addressed thoroughly with a descriptive and detailed entry. Each of the seven sections must be written in APA format, including one direct quote citation (under 40 words in length) from the Claxton text per section (in each of the 7 sections) . Use the headings below to separate your sections so there is a clear distinction between your responses to each section. Your paper must follow current APA format throughout , must be written in the third person narrative, must include a title page and reference page, and proper APA headings. Use the IEP Book Summary Grading Rubric to ensure your paper meets all standards. Address the following sections: Workbook Summary One · Introduction (This is your own introduction to your paper and should include what your paper will be about.) · Chapter 1 : The Law and Students with Special Needs · Chapter 2 : Parents and the IEP Process · Chapter 3 : Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance · Chapter 4 : IEP Goals · Christian Perspective Gained · Conclusion (This is your own conclusion to the paper you just wrote and should be a concise summary of what your paper was about.) Submit the Workbook Summary One by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.

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