These memoranda will be in:

  • Memo format (template provided)
  • Single-spaced
  • One page in length
  • One inch margins
  • 12-point font
  • A summary of focal facts exhibited in your workplace(1 paragraph).
  • An analysis section that applies course knowledge to interpret the facts (1 paragraph).
  • A decision section that communicates conclusions and/or recommendations (1 paragraph)

Memo format will include:

Memo #1

  • Identify an issue faced in your workplace that relates to a key OB topic discussed in chapters 1 through 5.
  • Write a memo to your supervisor that informs what the situation is and how the OB topic can resolve or explain the reason the issue is present.
  • State a conclusion. Present a recommendation, if applicable, or reason issue is present if a recommended course of action is not applicable.

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