Special Education Regulations in Virginia: Here are the documents to use The following documents are publications from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and are linked on the VDOE’s special education web pages. Take the time to open each to familiarize yourself with the content. Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia Parent’s Guide to Special Education (also available in Spanish on VDOE website ) Students with Disabilities: Guidelines for Assessment Participation [under revision–choose another document if not available during module] Discipline of Students with Disabilities Guidelines to the Development of Policies and Procedures for Managing Student Behaviors in Emergency Situations in Virginia Schools Parents’ Guide to Special Education Dispute Resolution Your Family’s Special Education Rights: Virginia’s Procedural Safeguards Notice (English version) (available in seven other languages on VDOE website ) Evaluation and Eligibility for Special Education and Related Services: Guidance Document Instructions: There are two (2) options for completing this assignment.  Choose one (1):Option A: Complete annotated tables of contents for three documents. You must create annotated tables of contents for Parent’s Guide to Special Education and Students with Disabilities: Guidelines for Assessment Participation [in the event that the guidelines for assessment participation document is not available, you may substitute Discipline of Children with Disabilities: Technical Assistance Resource Document ]. You must then choose a third document and create an annotated table of contents for it.Option B: Complete an annotated table of contents for the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia . Here are the guidelines for creating an annotated table of contents:  Whereas an ordinary table of contents gives headings and subheadings with page numbers to enable readers to quickly find information, annotated tables of contents briefly explain what each heading or subheading contains. Take the existing table of contents, duplicate it in your document, and provide succinct and comprehensive annotations for each heading that appears in the table of contents.  You’ll need to read and synthesize the information and report it in your own words.  Do not cut and paste from the source document to yours–this would be plagiarism. Remember to include page numbers, subheadings and appendices along with all headings.  You may single-space this assignment.  You may use a table if formatting becomes a problem.  This assignment typically runs 12 -16 pages long. Here is an examples of annotated tables of contents: Example 1 (this is the table to use)

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