I did provide you with pictures of the endocrine lab papers and the activities from 1-4 would be on the first picture I sent. It’s chart #1 pg 45 and it’s due Monday morning
Produce a lab report for the PhysioEx Endocrine System Physiology (Activities 1-4) from lab. I am providing you an outline, but your report should be in nonnumeric, paragraph form.
1. Write an Introduction Section (2 or 3 paragraphs). A brief overview of metabolism should be included in this section. Make sure to include brief explanations of the role of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and thyroid in metabolism.State the purpose of the metabolic rate activities.
2. Methods. Write 2-3 paragraphs which give an overview of how you did your experiment.
Write a paragraph describing your test rats. How are they similar and how are they different?
Write a paragraph explaining the establishment of baseline metabolic rates.
Write a paragraph which gives a general overview of how you used the methods and data from baseline metabolic rates to study the effects of thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone, and propylthiouracil.
3. Results. Include a table which summarizes the data from activity 1 and a bar chart which summarizes your activity 1-4 metabolic rate data for each rat. Make sure to follow the guideline from our first lab when constructing the bar graph.
4. Summary (3-4 paragraphs) Write a short summary discussing the actual results of your experiment. Refer to your table and graph and point out any important data. If your actual experimental results did not match your expected results, write a paragraphsuggesting one reason your actual results might have been different from the expected results.
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