Below are the details related to your final writing assignment.

Here is a timeline associated with the final writing assignment:

Task Date
Draft Due Date Module 6: 10-1-19
Peer Review Module 6: Starts on 10-2-19 / Peer Review must be completed by 10-9-19
Revisions and Final Paper Submission You can make revisions based on Peer Review from 10-9-19 through 10-11-19. Your final paper must be submitted in Canvas by the final course day (10-11-19).

Want to know how you will be graded? Review the rubric that is attached to this assignment.


Overview: In the Phoenix, Arizona, area in 1991-1992, a series of more than seven rapes was widely publicized. The victims had accepted rides from a white male they variously described as being between 20 and 40 years old, who drove into outlying desert areas, where he assaulted them and released them near well-traveled roads. Local media referred to the assailant as the “baby-seat rapist” because in two (or possibly three; one victim’s account was inconsistent) cases the assailant’s vehicle carried a child’s car seat.

The Maricopa County Attorney’s office prosecuted and convicted Scott Lehr to death. However, numerous questions exist as to whether they “caught and prosecuted” the right suspect.

YOUR JOB: Using the knowledge you have gained from this course (along with the materials below), you need to author a two page reflection about the guilt or innocence of Scott Lehr. Use this Word template to develop your response (you can delete the questions and other details when you are ready to submit your work).

For background information on the case, use the following materials:

  1. PowerPoint Overview: This PowerPoint was created by a student who researched the Baby Seat Rapist case. Of particular importance, the student outlines the various suspects that police interviewed associated with the murders. There are details relating to each suspect’s background.
  2. Website (Links to an external site.): This website was designed by individuals who are trying to seek justice for Scott Lehr. They believe he is innocent and that prosecutors failed to disclose information about the case to jurors. REMEMBER — consider this evidence. You have to render a final decision.
  3. Book Excerpt: An author, Mary Lash, wrote a book entitled, The Desert Murders: How Junk Science, Witness Contamination, and Arizona Politics Condemned an Innocent Man. I have copied several chapters for you to use in your consideration of this case.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Requirements

Full Marks

2 pages – double spaced. 12 point / Times New Roman. When citing course material be as specific as possible – example (Course Lecture – Victims Demographic)

Want to know how you will be graded? Review the rubric that is attached to this assignment.


Criteria Ratings

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCase Background

Full Marks

A paragraph that provides an overview of the case. This would include details related to “why” the suspect was considered a serial murderer.

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfiling Analysis

Full Marks

A paragraph that describes / analyzes the details of the case through the lens of a “profiler”. This is where the four crime phase typology would be important.

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCourse Connections

Full Marks

Two-three paragraphs that connect important aspects of the case to what we learned in class about serial murderers. For example, what myths fit or do not fit the offender, were there patterns that match that of a serial murder — or is this just a series of random homicide cases? What do we know about the victims – do their characteristics connect to the offender (i.e. method).

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProsecution Assessment

Full Marks

Final assessment (one paragraph). Did the prosecutors get it right? You get to decide this.

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Requirements

Full Marks

2 pages – double spaced. 12 point / Times New Roman. When citing course material be as specific as possible – example (Course Lecture – Victims Demographic)

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar

Full Marks

High level of quality in terms of spelling and grammar. In other words, it is clear that you proofread your paper before submitting it.

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations Format – Quality

Full Marks

High level of quality in terms of correct formatting of citations.

No Marks


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