There are various instructional strategies to use when teaching a new literacy concept to students. The I Do, We Do, You Do (IWY) method is a common best practice that can be adapted during instruction. This practice includes direct instruction (I Do), guided practice (We Do), and independent practice (You Do). Research various instructional strategies specific to concepts of print and phonemic awareness to teach new literacy concepts. Include the IWY method in your research. Describe how this strategy is implemented in grade levels K-8 and how it is effective as an instructional strategy in the classroom. In 500-750 words, create a literacy instructional plan for how you will apply the IWY method in your future classroom when introducing new literacy concepts. In your plan, be sure to address the following in your reflection: How the IWY model supports the introduction of new literacy concepts. How the IWY model creates and supports student engagement of typical and atypical students. How the IWY model supports differentiation to meet the diverse needs of students. Include any gaps that may be present in the IWY model. How you will use the IWY model in your future professional practice. Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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