1)Briefly describe the pros and cons of using performance appraisal information when conducting a person’s needs analysis. Do you think that an HRD professional should use performance appraisals to enhance the value of the information obtained from a person’s analysis? Support your answer with examples. Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).

2)Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to at least two of your classmates with at least 100 words

Using performance appraisal information when conducting a person’s needs analysis have both pros and cons. Pros would include, but not be limited to for starters Werner’s definition: “Person analysis…focus is typically on how well each employee is performing key job tasks, but the process may identify a wide range of both common and unique HRD needs” (Werner, 2012, p.125). Werner goes on to note on a larger scale, the data gathered from the analysis would be “…useful for defining program objectives because they identify the deficiencies or challenges…” (Werner, 2012, p. 144). Along with deficiencies and how well jobs are being performed, “…an effective person analysis should identify future developmental needs as well” (Werner, 2012, p. 127). Cons would include, but also not be limited to: the cost and complexity to complete these across and organization, the ability for managers to avoid bias, and to include all areas so a true appraisal is done (Werner, 2012, p. 129).

One of the main challenges in using performance appraisals, and possibly the biggest con not listed above is how they can “focus largely on the negatives” (Werner, 2012, p. 128). It would seem though that performance appraisals would be one piece of the puzzle when conducting an employee’s needs analysis. Werner discusses the “…practice of using multiple sources to gather performance information, called 360-degree performance appraisal…” (Werner, 2012, p.129). Getting feedback from multiple sources (co-workers, peers, etc.) and not only the supervisor may paint a better picture of the employee’s overall performance and needs. Also gathering information from the employee themselves through self-assessments and surveys will be an added benefit (Werner, 2012, p. 131). An example in attempting to pull more information from multiple sources could be where a supervisor of a collections company may rate one of the collection agents poorly due to dollars collected compared to dollars owed along with the number of calls made or received in a day. However, after self-assessments, peer evaluations and client surveys management may find out that the number of calls is not the issue, but the quality of the information being shared on the call with the clients.

Werner, J.M. & DeSimone, R.L. (2012). Human resource development. Mason, OH: South-Western.

Utilizing a needs analysis can help identify goals, discrepancies between current skills and those desired and needed for current and future performance, who needs to be included in the programs, and what types of roadblocks may be encountered (Werner and DeSimone, 2012). However, they can also be difficult and time-consuming, may not be the preferred course of action in all instances, generally lack full support and have the potential to increase destructive conflict within a team (Werner and DeSimone, 2012). When looking at the diagnostic, analytic and compliance needs as they apply to both workers and the work environment, I do believe that a performance appraisal could be used to enhance the value of information when obtained from collective personal analyses- but not as a punishment for specific individuals for failure to meet a benchmark. If the performance appraisal for the company is used in conjunction with identified performance deficiencies within the employee base, then it could be used as proactive, effective and preventative training (such as an identified weakness in learning objectives/training, and/or tracking of a company vs. an employee whose certification expires and then is red-lined or reassigned until they can be recertified. By proactivley defining the need for training and tracking capabilities within the company and taking action, we prevent the employee from unnecessary time-off of work or unit reassignment pending the recertification) . As Werner and DeSimone (2012) indicate, that proactive approach is in contrast with the reactive approach where “(individual) performance discrepancies only…are the basis for training and HRD.” Using collateral, anonymous personal analyses (both hard and soft data) is a tool that should be used to maintain effective performance for company and individual, as well as address deficiencies within the business environment. Moreover, by integrating company and employee performance as a unit, the goals of both can be aligned, needs identified and production increased


Werner, Jon M., DeSimone, Randy L.. (2012). Human Resource Development, Sixth Edition. South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio.

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