National Library of Medicine. (2014). What is Gene therapy? Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved from

Also research any other sources that you find appropriate on the topic of gene therapy, genetic heredity, and inheritance. Then, in your main post, answer the following discussion questions:

  • How does DNA play a role in inheritance?
  • Give an example of a dominant and recessive genetic disorder.
  • Give an example of an X- and Y- linked disorder.
  • How can genetics help to predict diseases?
  • What role does a genetic counselor play in helping families with known genetic diseases?
  • What disease(s) is gene therapy currently being tested on?
  • Has gene therapy been approved in the United States?
    • If gene therapy has been approved in the US, what is it being used to treat?
    • If gene therapy has not been approved in the US, why not?
  • What are some of the safety issues associated with gene therapy?
  • Do you believe that gene therapy is ethical? Why or why not?

APA format and must pass a plagiarizer check. 200-250 words

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