A marketing campaign would not be successful without gathering sufficient data. Surveys and questionnaires are a great and inexpensive method for retrieving data. During this week’s assignment, please identify the ultimate goal of your survey by focusing on the questions below: What would you like to know about the stakeholders of the organization? What information can help the hospital stay competitive? These questions will assist you during the creation of your survey or questionnaire. RUBRICS: Questionnaire concisely communicates the internal and external opinions of stakeholders. 31 (31.00%) – 40 (40.00%) Content meets objective with very minimal or no issues. Contains a blank copy of the survey with a minimum of ten questions. 26 (26.00%) – 30 (30.00%) Content meets objective with very minimal or no issues. Criteria being assessed are clear and appropriate for the healthcare setting. 26 (26.00%) – 30 (30.00%) Content meets objective with very minimal or no issues.

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