
When undertaking any action or activity, it helps to have a plan. Without a plan, things could turn out badly. Even with a plan, if it is poorly thought out, or not followed properly, the results could be disastrous, time-consuming, costly, or ethically improper.

This week we will watch a short video that helps us to examine a project that doesn’t go as planned.

Reading assignment:

This week we will watch the 10-minute video parody, “How Engineers and Managers Communicate:”


Discussion assignment:

Think about the video parody and respond to the following questions:

1. Summarize what goes on in the video, in 75 to 100 words. A brief discussion of summary is presented here
2. How many slides does Rakesh have in his presentation for the V.P. of Engineering?
3. Does the project planning team have a good project proposal for developing, testing, and marketing the new T-1000 chip? Discuss some good things and not so good things that you observed from the conference room planning session, in 100 to 125 words.
4. The plan for the T-1000 computer chip is to have it on the market by October. Explain why in 25 to 35 words.
5. Name one of the problems that has happened as a result of the project team not following their plan, in 35 to 50 words.

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